Dairy Australia is partnering with the cotton, sugar, grain and rice industries in a project to deliver the benefits of new efficient water use technologies to Australian farmers.
Over half of dairy farmers nationally use irrigation and farms in some regions rely on irrigated water. ‘Smart irrigation’ can provide big efficiency benefits after years of dry conditions and high water costs – the project aims to increase average farmer profits by $20,000-$40,000 annually.
As part of its contribution to the Smarter Irrigation for Profit phase II project, the dairy industry has established 17 research and learning sites in dairy regions in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and New South Wales, including the subtropical border area with Queensland. Dairy Australia is helping to manage many of these sites.
Dairy Australia Managing Director, David Nation, said that the collaboration of five Rural Research and Development Corporations, five universities and four governmental organisations underlined the importance of the project for Australian agriculture.
Source: https://www.dairyaustralia.com.au/news-repository/2020/08/28/dairy-australia-partners-with-australian-agriculture-to-deliver-smarter-irrigation